During these past few years that I was away from virtual worlds, it wasn’t just making things in virtual worlds that I lost interest in. I lost interest in making things – period.* What has been happening recently however is that my appetite for making things has been coming back with a vengeance. The island is now done and I am scrounging around as to what to do next. And, probably also because of what I wrote about my lack of 3D modelling skills for present day SL, I keep going to graphic design. And I do mean graphic design, with typography and everything. And not some abstract stuff either. Real design work with problems to solve, designer briefs, products and what have you. The stuff I that I teach my students, in other words.
In order to do that I would have to become my own client. And that is what I am now thinking about. What project should I give myself? What product? A branding project maybe?
* My country was (and still is) going through turbulent times and I wound up spending most of my time watching opposition discussion programs on youtube. Initially just local stuff, from where I moved on to international things. Especially the USA. The American progressives. I will probably write more about this at some point, but not now.