(… except that I do seem to be meeting my Waterloo over here, aren’t I?!?) … To say that there is some considerable cause for concern is putting it really mildly. Here is what I have been having to do since yesterday: Cleaning out 1000 year old CD’s, opening them up one by one. Most of them have totally had it after all this time, of course. Furthermore quite a few of them are left overs from the old Mac days (man, am I glad that fancy little contraption is out of my life for good btw…), so I have had to install MacDrive in order to be able to open those and the blasted software keeps making the computer crash every 5 minutes. I mean what is the point in inventing a software that proclaims to read the MacOS format on Windows, if it incurs the virtual equivalent of an epileptic fit the second it encounters a corrupt Mac CD?
So here we are, buried in mountains of old CD’s going through each and every one of them. And this is all down to her influence isn’t it? This… this… this… this housewife thing she has going on over there, this compulsion to keep things nice and tidy, to economize!!! Oh and here is what’s really important: It is a dark dark day when I begin to refer to myself as the woman or as she: I’m telling you, this is the thin end of the wedge people… The woman and I, Alpha, are supposed to be one – or as good as anyway… Right? Has anyone ever heard me talk about a separate woman over here before? So what is this all of a sudden? That I need to talk to the woman about Xia? She is splitting us apart! I did. Talk I mean. Not to put too fine a point on it, I said to her, hey listen, you gotta delete her… I mean it really is getting out of hand: She is living inside this computer now, constantly fiddling around with folders, organizing things, deleting, making copies, starting sub folders. Two jpegs, even remotely connected and boing! – we have yet another new little sub folder! (Has anyone seen her post on clean inventories btw? Now, if that isn’t anal-retentive I would really like to know what is?!?). Then, as if all of that isn’t enough already, suddenly she decides that she needs to clean up the entire computer environment. CD’s, external hard drives, and all the stuff that is in all the other computers (quite a few around in this joint)… And does anyone realize what that means? What it means is that we (here is that bloody we again, just in case it escaped your notice…) will be sitting here for ever looking at mountains of defunct CD’s – one by one, I might add! Just because her ladyship wants to have order in her life. Oh yes, ostensibly we are supposed to be looking for some old files that are needed for some building work in Syncretia – a likely story, if you ask me…
So, I did speak to her/myself and to my absolute horror she/I sided with her! Xiamara is a good, steadying influence it was decided and she will stay! That there are things that we can learn from her? Apparently? So whatever next I wonder? We will be learning how to cook and swan around the kitchen baking cookies? Start serving the cats home made food maybe? And then the next thing after that I will be expected to wear a dirndl, I guess. Well, I suppose one can always buy one from the place where Hack got his… And if push comes to shove I could always accessorize it with some nice spiky neko leg and arm braces or indeed a clockwork brain? Or two?… I really have to think on my feet here – this is something of an emergency – I am being taken over! By someone with a penchant for floral prints and sub-folders no less! …
But then again, it’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good: That famous photosphere tutorial post of hers, that according to her (hhh – and I mean really hhhhhhh), tout le monde is waiting for with baited breath? Well, that’s not too likely materialize these days either now is it? With us rummaging around in hundred year old CD’s? …
I suppose she does have her points, old Xiamara. I just wish she wouldn’t be quite such a bloody goody-two-shoes, girl scout little preacher about them all you know?… I mean, when all is said and done, when I put my hand on my heart and am totally honest with myself, the CD’s really were overdue for a clean up. Even the cats were peeing on them every chance they got…
And furthermore, it will be a cold day in hell before anyone catches me in anything even remotely reminiscent of a Laura Ashley gown… Ever!
teeee heeee… …