Brave New Players is a blog/website about my play activities in Second Life. I played in SL for many years and lots of hilarious stuff happened during some crazy (and seemingly never-ending) play sessions. On this site I tried to recall as much of it as I could, also with the help of some blog journals that I had kept during those times.
Most of the stories told on the Brave New Players site date back to before 2011, and involve three other avatars - Hardwarehacker Hoch, MosMax Hax, and wolfgeng Hienrichs; as well as my own alt avatars. A few are more recent and the hero of those is the avatar Naxos Loon. Click on the image above to access the site.
Dragon Island is inhabited by a rather secretive tribe of avatars. They all dress alike, and they only play with each other. I do not know much more than this since they are not sharing with me what their tale is...

Strangely Mirrored takes me back to a mythic time, an unreal space that seems to come about through the absolute perfection which a digital mirror provides. And this perfect mirror also adds to the eeriness, the sense of the unreal; that the inhabitants of these pictures belong to a place that stands outside of time. “Fearful Symmetry,” in other words.
See more images and read more here: http://cargocollective.com/mirrored

Fool's Gold: Twisted frames, dark warriors, an innocent maiden - either in agony or blissfully watching busy harbor scenes...


55555555 55555 555 The tale is very simple: A lonesome avatar appropriates a strange world where one can only talk in 5s. But then she gets company - which, at first, she rejects since she does not want to share what she holds to be solely her own. But then she is talked into playing with the incomers. Has a good time. However, just at the height of the fun and games "they" turn around and go. Leaving her bereft. Click on the image above to find out more...

Entre Loup et Chien: This is a series of images in which I combined avatar photographs with Real Life architecture and landscapes to tell a state of being that resides between two worlds, between the dog and the wolf. Some of these evoked tales, so I added captions to the ones that I felt needed them. And, the snail people seemed to keep wanting to come back... https://twilightavatars.tumblr.com
Note: I know the phrase is actually "entre chien et loup" and not like I have it in the title. However, this was how my much beloved uncle used to say it, so this is how I kept it.